Ireland RDG

Ireland Research Development Grant

Deadline for submissions is November 4, 2024 at 11:59pm

Submit a proposal

PLEASE NOTE: There are separate submission forms for Option 1 and Option 2.

This grant provides support for research collaborations in Ireland, by funding post-doctoral scholars/researchers in one of two ways:

As an ND PI’s cost-share commitment covering post-doctoral travel that could be leveraged as part of their contribution to a larger binational/multinational external grant application, which includes an institution in Ireland.
Facilitating research collaboration for postdoctoral scholars by providing support for travel for those scholars between ND and universities in Ireland.

Travel can be in either direction in that the ND faculty/postdoctoral fellows could apply to support their international collaborators coming to South Bend.

*Notre Dame Dublin and Notre Dame Kylemore are pleased to support logistics.


Applications will be submitted through NDG's submissions manager and should include:

  1. Proposal title
  2. ND project director (PD) name(s), department/center/institute affiliation(s) and email address(es)
  3. International institutions and PIs to be included on the grant proposal and the ND PD(s) history of engagement with them
  4. Information on the anticipated postdoctoral scholar
  5. Total amount requested from NDG in US dollars
  6. Specific binational/multinational grant(s) being applied for and the amount of funding being sought
  7. Submission deadline for the grant(s).
  8. The specific value added to the proposal/partnership for external funding including the Ireland Research Development Grant as part of the process
  9. Summary of the research (600 word limit)
  10. Current abbreviated CV (3-page limit) for the ND applicant(s)
  11. Current abbreviated CV (3-page limit) for the international investigator(s) at the other institutions
Ireland RDG Option 1 SAMPLE Application


Applications will be submitted through NDG's submissions manager and should include:

  1. Proposal title
  2. ND project director (PD) name(s), department/center/institute affiliations(s) and email address(es)
  3. A summary statement of why this funding will advance a research collaboration in Ireland (600 word limit)
  4. Brief abstract of the proposed, albeit possibly nascent, research and its importance for the project director(’s) research
  5. Total amount requested in US dollars
  6. List of any other funding sources obtained or applied for, to support this research
  7. Proposed travel dates
  8. Justification for travel
  9. Planned activities and their locations
  10. A timeline for completion of the travel
  11. Information about ways in which the applicant plans to support the continued development of the project/relationship
  12. Budget with justification
  13. Current abbreviated CV (3-page limit) for the ND applicant
  14. Current abbreviated CV (3-page limit) for the international investigators at the other institutions
  15. Letter from the collaborator in Ireland indicating their willingness to meet for the designated purpose

Ireland RDG Option 2 SAMPLE Application


  • Full-time regular faculty members and post-doctoral scholars of Notre Dame are eligible to apply
  • Open to all disciplines


  • Funding requests can be made up to $10,000


Well defined outcome must be anticipated, such as:

  • Option 1: Submission of a grant proposal to a binational/multinational funding agency
  • Option 2: Joint research project or a significant clarification of direction on an existing project

Eligible Expenses

  • Cost share commitment, covering postdoctoral travel as part of a grant application
  • Airfare, ground transportation, visa costs (if applicable), accommodation, and per diem as outlined below.

Per Diem: Reimbursement for meals and incidental travel expenses in accordance with these per diem allowances:

  • 1-14 days - Up to 75% of US State Dept per diem for international travel
  • 15+ days – Up to 50% of US State Dept per diem for international travel