Asia Guest Scholar Artist 1

Asia Guest Scholar/Artist Partnership Program


Submit an application

Notre Dame Global is pleased to continue the Asia Guest Scholar/Artist Partnership Program. The goal of this program is for an ND faculty member to partner with on-campus centers/institutes/departments in bringing to Notre Dame guest scholars and artists from Asia with outstanding reputations in their field. During the visit, the guest scholar/artist would pursue their own research/art in collaboration with an ND faculty researcher/artist and discuss/plan future collaborations, all while engaging in the intellectual/artistic life and community at Notre Dame.

Applications can be made for a minimum stay of two weeks and a maximum stay of six weeks. Applications are accepted for the spring semester and summer period only. An ND faculty member/senior researcher must submit an application following agreement from a relevant hosting unit on campus that the unit would be willing to accommodate a visit from the guest scholar/artist. This unit must c commit to holding a welcoming event for the guest scholar/artist involving other Notre Dame faculty and graduate students. The faculty member/senior researcher must also be willing to facilitate engagement on campus and the hosting unit/center/department must be willing to facilitate logistics.

The Asia Guest Scholar/Artist will be expected to, at a minimum, give a talk to faculty/graduate students in the hosting unit regarding their research/creative work and depending on the length of stay, more engagement is welcomed. The application should include details of that planned engagement. If the guest scholar/artist is coming from the locale of a Notre Dame global location, details of engagement with the University through that location is requested upon their return.

*All international guest scholars/artists will need an immigration status to enter the U.S. The hosting unit will be responsible for engaging International Student and Scholar Affairs (ISSA) in the process of determining the appropriate visa status and securing any necessary documentation.


Full-time regular members of the Notre Dame faculty and senior researches are eligible to apply as hosts from a center/institute/department/library.


  • Funding is provided up to $10,000 for up to a 6 week visit. 
  • Expense-based cost sharing from the hosting unit and/or the guest scholar/artist may allow for a longer visit.
Eligible Expenses
  • Visa Costs (if applicable)*
  • Travel to Notre Dame from guest scholar's/artist's home base (return)
  • Reimbursement for Travel Health Insurance to cover duration of the visit to campus
  • Accommodation (limited to no more than the State department per diem rate per night)
  • Some assistance with meals may be offered
  • Local transportation
Ineligible Expenses
  • Additional travel expenses, beyond that of getting to ND from home institution and local transportation when at Notre Dame.
  • Per Diem reimbursement
  • Salary, stipend or honorarium

Application Guidelines

Applications can be made for a minimum stay of two weeks and a maximum stay of six weeks.

Applications should include:

  • A statement from the faculty applicant at the unit (center/institute/department) addressing:
    • their interest in hosting the scholar/artist and how they will facilitate the visit when the scholar/artist is at ND
    • the research/artistic interests that they wish to collaborate on with the Asian scholar/artist and what they will specifically work on during the visit
    • what short-term and long-term outcomes they expect from this visit and collaboration(s)
    • how do they intend to continue/develop the relationship with the scholar/artist on their return to their home country
  • A letter from the Director/Chair of the Notre Dame hosting unit (center/institute/department) indicating their interest in co-hosting this specific scholar/artist from Asia. It should address the following:
    • the value of the scholar’s research/artist’s creative work to Notre Dame including the contribution that the visit will make to their unit/center/department and the University
    • anticipated dates for the visit and anticipated length of stay
    • a commitment to hosting the guest scholar/artist, facilitating all logistics, hosting a welcoming event and integrating the scholar/artist to the degree possible in the events of the unit
    • if the hosting unit can contribute financially to the visit, this should be also indicated in the letter (cost share is not required but welcomed)
  • A letter from the Asian Scholar/Artist addressing:
    • their interest in visiting Notre Dame specifying their preferred length of stay and how they will engage with the hosting unit during that time
    • their research/artistic interests and what they will specifically work on while at Notre Dame
    • whom at the hosting unit they plan to work with and what collaboration(s) they are interested in exploring
    • what short-term and long-term outcomes they expect from this visit and collaboration(s)
    • how do they intend to continue/develop the relationship with Notre Dame on their return to their home country
  • Curriculum vitae of both the ND faculty member/senior researcher and the guest scholar/artist from Asia under consideration
  • Budget

Sample Application

Follow-up Report

Guest scholars/artists and their hosts will be required to submit a report no later than one month after the end date of the visit. The report should include a summary of the activities funded by the award and significant results achieved, including plans for any continued collaboration or indications that the project contributed to the strengthening scholarly relationships between Notre Dame and Asia.


For more information about NDG’s faculty engagement and research programs, please contact:

Geraldine Meehan
Director, Faculty Engagement

Notre Dame Global
Phone: +1 574 631-7742

For more information about NDG’s relationship with universities in Asia and the facilities and logistical support provided by Notre Dame Beijing, Notre Dame Hong Kong, and Notre Dame Mumbai, please contact their respective directors.

Jingyu Wang
Director, Notre Dame Beijing

Catherine Leung
Director, Notre Dame Hong Kong

Dhiraj Mehra
Director, Notre Dame Mumbai