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Partnering with Notre Dame Global

Institutional Partnerships

Notre Dame Global encourages and supports collaboration with partner institutions around the world. These partnerships have allowed our faculty to collaborate with the richest minds in academia as they work together towards shared goals of knowledge and truth. This network allows our students and our faculty to reach further. Globally, the International Partnership Registry currently includes more than 120 agreements with partners on 6 continents. These agreements include institution-level general memoranda of understanding, exchange programs for undergraduates, graduates, and faculty, as well as partnerships that bring international students to Notre Dame for short term academic programs.

View the International Partnership Registry

Partnerships for International Engagement

Notre Dame Global collaborates with organizations in the public and private sector around the world to cultivate opportunities for global learning and research for our students and faculty. For example, internship programs provide students with valuable opportunities to supplement their academic programs while also gaining professional development skills that enhance their future career prospects. Partner organizations also collaborate with NDG teams at our 12 global locations to feature faculty research presentations and academic events that enhance global knowledge of Notre Dame’s research achievements and innovations.

Learn more about our global partners

Supporting NDG Initiatives

Notre Dame Global is grateful for support at all levels of the individuals, families, and foundations whose benefaction advances our strategic goals around the world. Giving to Notre Dame Global can be as simple as a cash contribution through our secure donation page, or a larger project developed to leave an ongoing legacy of impact on our students, faculty, and programs.

Collaborating with Notre Dame Global on a larger project allows donors to directly impact students’ global understanding and education, faculty research addressing issues of world-wide concern, and the growth of Notre Dame’s international reputation among students, researchers, and potential partners. If you are interested in discussing a project that will meet your goals and support Notre Dame Global strategic priorities, please contact Jonathan Noble via email.

Support Notre Dame with a gift to NDG     NDG endowments and funds


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