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Emergencies Abroad

Notre Dame Global monitors world events diligently via numerous private and public resources, including but not limited to the U.S. Department of State, CDC, and the University’s 24/7 emergency assistance provider. We evaluate all information continuously for risks to the health, safety, and well-being of all Notre Dame international travelers. 

In the event of a genuine risk, Notre Dame Global will respond in a timely, coordinated, and prudent manner which may include some or all of the actions listed below:

  • Confirm traveler safety
  • Provide guidance as appropriate
  • Assist with coordinating international emergency assistance
    • Physical and mental health services
    • Evacuation resources
  • Communicate updates via the NDG website in the case of major events

Please be assured that your safety and security is always our top priority and that NDG will be in touch should any safety or security concerns arise while you are abroad.

Emergency Assistance

While abroad, you may find yourself in an emergency situation and in need of assistance

General Advice for Responding to Emergency Situations

Even if unlikely, you should mentally prepare for the possibility that something could happen to you by thinking through or researching how to respond.

There are a few general rules of reaction for any emergency incident you may face:

  • Remain as calm as possible.
  • Comply with any demands.
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Get to a safe place as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • Get help, if needed.
  • Respond to all safety check-ins from Notre Dame.
  • Communicate to your loved ones that you are safe.
  • Read all Smart Travel Enrollment Program (STEP) alerts.
  • Monitor local and breaking news for updates. 
Get Help Immediately
  • Dial your 911 in-country equivalent
  • Dial Crisis24 Horizon (+1 (443) 569-8607) or start a chat or phone call from the Crisis24 Horizon Mobile app. Crisis24 works closely with Notre Dame Global and will immediately notify NDG of any emergency situations requiring university support.
  • Dial NDPD's 24/7 Emergency Line at +1 574 631-5555. This line is monitored 24/7 and you will be connected to NDG.
  • Contact your local embassy or consulate.
  • Emergency point of contact for your program or department, if applicable.

We respect the privacy of Notre Dame’s international travelers and are careful in deciding when and with whom information about an emergency should be shared.

Reporting an Incident

After an emergency or incident, you may want to report it to the University, and we encourage you to do so only if you are comfortable. There are a few ways to report:

General Incident Reporting

Notre Dame Global tracks the various incidents that are reported by Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students while abroad. These reports are not only helpful in identifying follow-up measures for assistance for those in need of support and resources but also to inform mediation and resolution.

Please note that this is not designed as an emergency response device. If you are in an emergency situation, contact the Notre Dame Police Department at +1 574-631-5555.

Report an incident

Reporting Incidents of Bias, Discrimination, Harassment, Misconduct and/or Assault

The University encourages students to report all incidents of bias, discrimination, harassment, misconduct and/or assault so that the University can take appropriate action to assist the students involved and improve the campus climate. The course of action taken by the University will depend on the facts and circumstances of each report.

When you feel you have been subjected to any form of bias, discrimination, harassment, misconduct and/or assault or have observed such behavior directed at others, you have options, including consulting with a Confidential Resource, speaking with a Non-Confidential Resource, or formally reporting what happened. For more information, please see Reporting Process.

What is the difference between a confidential and non-confidential resource?

Sharing information with a non-confidential resource will result in an investigation. The nature and extent of an investigation will depend on the extent to which the University has enough information to reasonably determine key facts (e.g., time, date, location and names of parties involved in an alleged incident). For study abroad students, this means that NDG Global Safety & Security will be notified to ensure you have appropriate care and support resources locally.

Sharing information with a confidential resource means these professionals will honor confidentiality unless there is an imminent danger to the individual or others. As a study abroad student or international traveler, it is important to understand the local laws and customs regarding the reporting of sexual harassment and assault as they vary country to country.

What are some Confidential and Non-Confidential Resources internationally?


  • NDG's Study Abroad program directors
  • NDG's Global Network staff and faculty
  • Your host institution staff are often not confidential unless stated otherwise
  • ND Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator
  • ND Office of Community Standard
  • Law enforcement, including NDPD available at +1 (574) 631-5555
