The Insider Project: Sustainable performance in heritage architecture

Author: Colleen Wilcox

Img 4327 2Julio Cesar Perez-Hernandez, Associate Professor of the Practice, School of Architecture, led the trip to Cuba.

During fall break of 2018, ten undergraduate students and three faculty and staff from Notre Dame’s College of Engineering and School of Architecture traveled to Cuba as part of the Insider Project, funded by Notre Dame International. The group applied their unique and complementary skill sets to tackle issues facing Havana in the 21st century, including energy, sustainability, resilience, traffic and transportation, natural hazards, social factors, and building techniques (including urban morphology and typology) – and derived conclusions within the complex dynamics of this rapidly modernizing society.

This experience broadened students' perspectives by exposing them to cultural differences and local responses to cities and buildings; challenging them with critical geographic thinking, location-based data collection, analysis and management, and visualization; and inviting them to chart the outcome of their own experiences.

Read the story in full below, originally produced by Consuelo Antonio, program coordinator for Resiliency and Sustainability of Engineering Systems, Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences.

Sustainable Performance in Heritage Architecture and the Havana International Charrette